Thursday, January 27, 2011

What I Imagine was Said in Heaven...

A conversation that happened in the predawn of today...

God to the angel in charge of the storehouse of snow : " Open the storehouse over that little spot in New England with all those adopted children.  Let them see some of all that my warehouses in Heaven hold."  

Angel to God:  "Okay, Lord.  But didn't they just get like 58" of snow and didn't they just adopt a child from Ethiopia (I think she is 13.)

 God to Angel:  "Exactly right, let her be a witness to my creation of snow.  She is playing catch-up with this wonder I have made.  Oh, certainly she will stand amazed! Make sure they get another 2 feet of the glorious white stuff!"

Angel: "Surely she will cry out in amazement."

God: "Just ignore her parents, who are praying that spring comes soon.  Their faith will be strengthened from all the extra prayer time."

perhaps...this happened early this morning...

guess we will have to wait until we get to Heaven to find out.  

Imagine, angels who snow blow from the storehouses, straight from Heaven to us.  ;-)
(and yes, that Angel does look rather Italian and a bit like my Knight....but isn't it cool how they snow blow upside down in Heaven?)


  1. Oh this is so sweet the heavenly conversation an d the snapshot by an angelic photographer LOL

  2. This put a smile on my face...Thank you!

    ~Julie S.

    P.S. My word verification was "plower."

  3. Hi Kimmie,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Spa?! Okay, we're due for another foot of the white stuff this weekend. I love your imagined heavenly conversation and the photo of your knight upside down :)
    How do you do it?! We have only four (would love to adopt again) and I get frustrated with all the snow gear dressing and undressing, mopping snow puddles etc... Lord, give me more patience and generosity with the precious children you have blessed us with!
    Thinking of you...
    In His Almighty Care,
