Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sweet, sweet Alazar

This man is dear to my heart.  He is a lover of God and a brother in Christ.  It happens that God had us bump into him along this past journey to Ethiopia.  Our lives are richer because of his heart, his sharing, his love for orphans and the Kingdom of heaven.

Here Alazar stood on Mount Entoto, telling us about the 5 mountains that surround Ethiopia.  Sharing more of his huge love for his beautiful country that we love so much too.

As we stood there, it came to me that these five mountains were like the very fingers of God.  They surrounded Ethiopia, as He does himself.

Alazar laughed.  He said he never thought of this before, but that he would ponder it in his heart, probably for the rest of his life now. 

We pray that God blesses Alazar.  He is indeed a man after God's own heart. 

Just another reason to love Celebrate Children International (our adoption agency), because Alazar might share your journey too.


  1. He is a dear person. There are so many special people sharing in the adoption journey through Celebrate children. Our boys felt loved from by all of them from transition house nannies to the gate keeper at New Flower guest house.

    Speaking of which Mulugeta and Nati say hi!

  2. Oh, Kimmie, Alazar was our driver, too!!! He was such a blessing b/c I traveled alone with my 16-yr-old daughter, & I always felt safe while at the same time having beautiful experiences in Ethiopia. He gave us suggestions & also bent over backwards for any ideas we had (like taking K'Tyo for his first real haircut to a barber in Ethiopia). He was such a blessing!
